Metal Agritech Ltd.
Agriculture is the life of the Bangladeshi economy. Established in 2017, Agritech is a family owned business based in the locality of Bangladesh. Agritech or agriculture technology is the term referring to the use of technological innovations in agriculture to increase its yield, efficiency, and profitability. While most commonly used in different horticulture and agriculture sub systems, agri-tech is also found in forestry, aquaculture and viticulture.
Agritech’s mission is to power and empower sustainable development in Bangladesh by engaging state of the art technology and mobilizing in remote areas. Agri-tech aims to improve farming through information monitoring and analysis of weather, pests, soil and air temperature. Agri-tech also includes the use of automation, such as controlling heaters and irrigation and employing pest control through aerosol pheromone dispersal.
Biotech is another type of agri-tech. For example, agri-tech company Azotic replaces nitrogen fertilizers with nitrogen-fixing bacteria as a more environmentally-friendly solution.