Chairman’s message
Forty-two years on, the journey I took as a young entrepreneur has paid more than enough dividends by the Grace of Almighty Allah and I am pleased to congratulate Team Metal on the shining glory they have brought for themselves and the Companies of the Group they have so honestly and meticulously worked for over the last few decades. It once again highlights the fact that given courage, honesty, determination and hard work, nothing is beyond the reach of man. Today we have reached a point of time when we must pause and ponder whether we should feel complacent or set yet higher goals to achieve in the future years. So far, we have faced challenges from outside, from fellow rivals but now the challenge is from us; we must try and improve on our own standards by continually adopting new technology, new management skills, and new innovative ways of beating all odds that threaten our progress.
With the Pandemic raging all over the globe, all our known responses and ways to deal with situations must fast track to meet the ever changing scenario or we must be ready to find ourselves left out of the race for survival. we must energize our
abilities to quickly adapt our ways to the changes that are happening in quick succession. From our personal life to the collective, we must hold out against the batteries of an invisible enemy that has nearly brought us to our knees. We must turn around and face the situation with the name of the Almighty beating loudly in our hearts.
One of the practices we must quickly adapt to is the intensive use of time at our disposal. What is important in the changed situation is getting the most out of the time not just biding time in a routine bound culture. This would be seen as an intensive use of time to reap the most out of the ticking moments at your disposal. The result would yield progress at an unbelievably faster rate which would bring qualitative changes to our life and living.
If the huge Corporate today is a success, it has been made possible by our collective efforts. No solitary individual can claim this reward Allah has blessed us with. Everybody in this group of companies has contributed his share of the hard work to building up this Corporate body. So it will be everybody’s moral duty to defend this huge structure he has helped build. Let us hang together or the structure will collapse.
May Allah bless us all.